
Matthew Garr
Professor Eileen Brumitt
ENGL 101
January 28, 2018
    I recently had the pleasure of interview a man named Louis. I questioned him about what things he enjoys and what he has planned for the future.
    To start, I first asked him about some of his hobbies. Louis enjoys baking cakes for special occasions. One example would be wrestling events. As it turns out Louis is an avid wrestling fan, so much so that he even did some training at a gym to become better at it. His like of sports is not limited to wrestling however. He also enjoys football and his favorite team is the Dallas cowboys. We then went into some of his other hobbies. His favorite movie series is Rocky, an easy classic. He even likes to collect DVD's. But to only go through his likes would be painting an incomplete picture.
    I asked about Louis's major at NCC. As it turns out this isn't the first time Louis has gone to NCC. He first went to school to try and become an electrician. That was short-lived as Louis thought of it as a chore and kept him from being creative. Which leads to his current major. He is going for an associates in marketing. You see Louis enjoys being creative and would like to part of a creative team someday, which is a far contrast from his previous endeavor. All I can do for Louis is to wish him luck in wherever life leads him.


  1. I enjoy the casual tone you set even just through words, Matt. It very much feels like the context of an interview. Good for you Louis for not settling for a chore of a job and best of luck to you in your pursuit of marketing.

  2. I like how u got his likes and interest mat..and louis Wrestling seems like funny but hard..about making ins alot of funny would love to try on of your cakes


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